
Bugzilla Install guideline

1. you need have perl, apache, MTA
2. Install Perl (the verison depend on what version of Bugzilla release)

1. Download Bugzilla from offical website
2. Install Apache and Apache-dev, mod_perl
3. untar Bugzilla tar ball
4. mv Bugzilla to your www root dir , optional you could install bugzilla to where you prefer and make symbol link
5. change to directory of bugzilla
6. run ./checksetup.pl --check-modules and follow the instruction
7. install perl module for database, mysql is my so [/usr/bin/perl install-module.pl DBD:mysql]
8. add user named 'bugs
and login to mysql and create table name 'bugs' which depend on the localconfig(generate from checksetup command)

Edit {apache_root}\site-enabled\000-default to add Directory for Bugzilla
